089-41559335 isogai@mail.de

Isogai workshop

July 8, 2023 in Munich

You are interested in the Isogai® method?

What is Isogai?

Enjoy and experience the healing and relaxing effects of the Isogai® method in a 4-hour intensive workshop.

"Isogai®-Dynamic-Therapy" is a body therapy originating from Japan.

Manual, gentle techniques are used to bring the hip joints into a balanced position, allowing the spine to realign and relax.

With the Isogai Method you learn to replace wrong movement patterns with correct ones and develop a new understanding of your body and its reactions. In this way you can increase your well-being in a self-responsible way.

Who is Isogai for?

Isogai® Check

Are you physically fit and want to optimize your body structure?

The workshop will fundamentally change your understanding of movements and loads.
It will enable you to improve your physical performance and reduce the risk of injuries and wear and tear in the long term.

Stress? Burnout? Back pain? Migraine?.......

Often the cause is simply an unbalanced and tense body structure.
Through the Isogai self-treatment method, your body statics are improved, the back can relax again.
The neural supply, the blood circulation, the metabolism can improve through the balance of the body statics.
Activate your self-healing powers.

Effects of the Isogai® exercises

  • Fundamental correction of the spine and pelvis.
  • Restoration of the natural curvature of the lumbar spine.
  • Remedies discomfort caused by spinal misalignment.


July 8, 2023 from 14 - 18 pm

in the Ken Shin Kai Aikido Dojo in the

Paul-Heyse-Str. 21 in 80336 Munich.

Course fee: 90 €

(Repeater 63 €)

If you book several dates, the fee for the subsequent dates is only 63 € each.

Course Content:

First you will learn the anatomical basics of the Isogai® method.

You will receive precise instructions for working with the Isogai® stone.

Each technique will be demonstrated and practiced in detail so that by the end of the course you will be able to perform the exercises independently at home.

You will also receive a detailed script about the Isogai® method.