089-41559335 isogai@mail.de

Isogai Group

Dates 2024
in Munich,
Mondays at 10 a.m. on:
October 7
2. December

in Paul-Heyse-Str. 21 rear building 1st St.

In Grafing, always on
1st and 3rd Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.
in the Casacreativa, Grandauer Str. 4.

By practicing together in a group, you can continuously improve your Isogai exercises and adapt them to your current situation. The group is an important supplement to the exercises at home.

You don't know Isogai yet?

We would be happy to inform you about Isogai and the self-treatment method without obligation.


Brief info about Isogai:

Isogai focuses on correcting the hip joints and the pelvis in order to balance the body's statics so that the spine can realign and relax. An ideal addition to any workout.

Registration Isogai Group in Munich.

Isogai experience? Please tick:

10 + 11 =

Registration Isogai group in Grafing.

Isogai experience? Please tick:

9 + 1 =