089-41559335 isogai@mail.de

Theory of the Isogai® Method

Teaching of special anatomy knowledge


Type determination according to Dr. Kimiyoshi Isogai

The adjustment of the hip

Mat technique

The Isogai® stone and the bands

Professional application and special effects.

Palpation training

Intensive self-awareness with Isogai®.


to the certified Isogai® therapist

for doctors and alternative practitioners

and certified Isogai® Practitioner

for physiotherapists, educators, coaches and interested laypersons
and is composed of three modules.

Dates 2024

1st module: May 3 to 5
2nd module: June 7 to 9. Module: June 7 to 9.
3rd module: July 5 to 7

To the registration form

Switzerland in Bad Zurzach:
Organizer AcuMax courses
1. Module: Aug. 23 to 25
2nd module: Sept. 27 to 29
3rd module: Oct. 18 to 20

To register with AcuMax

Module I
The first module lasts 3 days and includes approximately 24 hours of instruction.

It's about making the body listen.......

General introduction to Isogai®-Dynamic-Therapy.
Postural analysis, - Pelvic obliquity as the main cause of disease.
The dynamics of the human body and the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system from the perspective of Isogai®:

  • The spine and spinal segments.
  • Cervical spine - thoracic spine - lumbar spine - intervertebral discs.
  • The curvature of the spine.
  • The basin.
  • The hip joints.
  • The leg.

Isogai® landmarks.
Type determination according to Kimiyoshi Isogai.
Diagnosis, self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
Application of the Isogai® Ceramic Pillow - binding the legs - Isogai squats - corrective movements.

Module II
The second module lasts 3 days and comprises approx. 24 teaching hours.
Parallel structures from the perspective of Isogai®:

  • Anatomy of the skull - temporomandibular joint/pelvis.
  • Ligamentous apparatus of the hip joint: stabilization of the femoral head
  • Hip and gluteal muscles.

Adjustment of the hip joints.

Adjustment of the pelvis.

Adjustment of the shoulder joints.

Mat technique.

Analysis of cases from practice.

Isogai pain points.

Understanding of compensatory mechanisms.
Palpation training.

Module III
The third module lasts 3 days and includes approximately 24 hours of instruction.



Final written and practical examination.
Course 3 concludes with a written and practical examination. The prerequisite for admission to the examination is participation in all courses of the training. After passing the exam, the graduate receives the "Isogai® therapist" certificate.

Total cost: 2250 €

Payment methods:
  • With the registration a deposit of 750 € is due.
  • The remaining amount of 1500 € is to be transferred by the start of the training.
  • Payment in installments can be arranged.

Lecturer: Sandra Sämmer, HP, Isogai® therapist and osteopath

You can also reach me by phone 089 - 4155 9335

Dates 2024:
1st module: May 3 to 5
2nd module: June 7 to 9. Module: June 7 to 9.
3rd module: July 5 to 7

To the registration form

General information about Isogai® training with certificate.

Anyone can participate in the Isogai® training seminars without restrictions and graduate with the Isogai® certificate after passing the exam. Either as a certified Isogai® therapist or as a certified Isogai® practitioner.

Requirements for the use of these titles:

  1. Successful completion of the Isogai® Academy training seminars with certification. Duration 9 days in total. Total cost 2.250 €.
  2. Membership in the Isogai® Academy as a cooperation partner. Annual fee 120 €. Details are regulated by the partnership and cooperation agreement of the Isogai® Academy.
  3. Participation in the advanced training seminars of the Isogai® Academy. At least every 2 years.
  4. The title "certified Isogai® therapist" is reserved for professionals who are allowed to work therapeutically in recognized healing professions. In Germany, these are usually physicians and non-medical practitioners.
  5. The title "certified Isogai®-Practitioner" can be held by anyone under the condition of point 1. - 3.

Details are regulated by the partnership and cooperation agreement of the Isogai® Academy.

Certified Isogai® therapist or certified Isogai® practitioner receive special conditions when purchasing Isogai® products, such as Isogai® stone, Isogai® bands, and the like.


Training in Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Dates 2024

April 5 - 7 Cranio I
May 24 - 26 Cranio II
June 14 - 16 Cranio III

To the registration form

Postgraduate course

December 7/8

for certified members

Training to become a certified Isogai therapist
Dates 2024:
1st module: May 3 to 5
2nd module: June 7 to 9. Module: June 7 to 9.
3rd module: July 5 to 7

To the registration form

Training at
Switzerland in Bad Zurzach:
Organizer AcuMax courses
1. Module: Aug. 23 to 25
2nd module: Sept. 27 to 29
3rd module: Oct. 18 to 20

To register with AcuMax


Other courses offered by the Academy

Informatons about

the workshops

Informatons about

the Cranio courses

Your first step into the Isogai world:

The current Isogai dates at a glance:

Isogai Equipment: