Yves Schildknecht
Chefiholzstrasse 7
CH-8637 Laupen
+41 79 400 87 40
To the website of my practice: https://y-and-i.ch
I want to help people achieve physical health and a better quality of life. According to the motto "in every healthy body lives a healthy mind", I have therefore been training for many years in both physical and mental work. This and my love for people is the basis of my profession
In 1985 I trained as a masseur at the Massein-Schule in Zurich.
In 2017 I visited the Taiki® School of the founder Dr. Kozo Nishino Sensei in Tokyo. The Nishino Breating Method (NBM) - called Taiki - is a breath, energy and fascia work. I have been a Taiki student since then and a subinstructor since 2018. My teacher is Dr. Timur Ucmak, Wetzikon.
In this environment, I came across Isogai® in 2018. I was so enthusiastic about this therapy that I took the training at the Isogai® Academy Munich and completed it in 2021 as a certified Isogai® Practitioner. My teacher is Sandra Sämmer. This was followed by training with her in Cranio Sacral Therapy as a complement to Isogai® treatment.
Today, all these elements come together in my Isogai® treatment.
I love and respect my work, people, animals and nature.