from Erich_isogai | June 2, 2022 | Certified Isogai® Practitioner
Yves Schildknecht Chefiholzstrasse 7CH-8637 LaupenSwitzerland +41 79 400 87 40 To the website of my practice: Back to the list of members I want to help people achieve physical health and a better quality of life. After...
from Erich_isogai | July 30, 2020 | Group
Isogai group dates 2024in Munich,each at 10 a.m. on:May 6May 3. June1. Julyin Paul-Heyse-Str. 21 Rückgebäude 1. St. In Grafing, every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 20:00 at Casacreativa, Grandauer Str. 4. By practicing together in a group, you can learn to...
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