089-41559335 isogai@mail.de

Yves Schildknecht

Yves Schildknecht Chefiholzstrasse 7CH-8637 LaupenSwitzerland +41 79 400 87 40 yves.schildknecht@y-and-i.ch To the website of my practice: https://y-and-i.ch Back to the list of members I want to help people achieve physical health and a better quality of life. After...
Isogai Group

Isogai Group

Isogai group dates 2023in Munich,each at 10 am on:July 31September enfällt wegen Urlaub9. October6. November4. Decemberin Paul-Heyse-Str. 21 Rückgebäude 1st St. In Grafing, each on1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 8:00pmat Casacreativa, Grandauer Str. 4. Through...